Hello everyone. Long time no blog. Hope you are all doing well.
I have found lots of amazing people through the Internet over the years, from the Livejournal blogs I read back in 2000 to all of the blogs I read and love today. [That means YOU!] I recently discovered Blogtv.com and after viewing a few live video feeds I was unimpressed. I viewed one more Blogtv channel before writing it off as a total waste of time, and I am glad I did.
That is how I met
Morgan McNally. (Well, Inter-met, anyway.)
by Morgan McNally
Morgan is a talented artist. More than that she really is a sweetheart and I know that you will think so, too. I wanted to share some projects that she is working on.
The first is called
thousandforathousand. She is creating a thousand paintings, and you can "buy" one simply by doing a good deed of your choice. It can be a big or small thing, and you don't have to "prove" you did it. (But why not blog about it if you do?) She is doing this "to say thank you for being a good person." I have already signed up to be part of this and will update with a post when I choose what good deed I am doing. (Art for doing something good for my fellow man? Win-win!)
If you want to be part of this project simply email her at saynomorgan[at]gmail[dot]com with thousandforathousand as the subject.
The other project is called Take a Fear, Leave a Fear. If you sign up for this Morgan will send you a package in the mail containing the materials you'll need to set up a Take a Fear, Leave a Fear post somewhere in your town.
From her blog (which you should all go follow!):The Goal
The audience (i.e. strangers and passers-by) can write a fear, a worry, a regret, fold it up and put it in the bowl. Once you put your worry in the bowl, it's not yours anymore. You're giving it up and letting it go. You're acknowledging it and accepting that it's not yours to fret anymore. If you choose to take a fear/worry/regret OUT of the bowl, you get a valuable opportunity to learn about a complete stranger and what makes them tick/keeps them from ticking. It's a chance to gain a little empathy for your fellow human.
I really like this idea. Also, Morgan is attempting all these projects out of her own pocket. They mean a lot to her and I am sure she will see them through. If you can help by spreading the word through your blog or Twitter she would appreciate it. I hope some of you will go look at her blog and be part of these projects, or at least pass on the info!
(And if anyone knows how to make blog buttons for these projects and would want to do so, please do. I am no good at them. At all.)