Monday, November 8, 2010

Dear Bloggers:

Does anyone know where the fabled sketchbook is? Can anyone vouch for having it? At all? Ever? I really hope it is still out there in circulation somewhere, and not holding up a wobbly table. Let me know if you have had it please. I may have to get another one sent out if it's lost.

(And I will has a sad about lost art.)


t i m said...

i'm hoping it resurfaces too, someone out there must have it, so own up people and pass it along please, thank you :)

Sultan said...

I had it and passed it on long ago.

*mary* said...

Laoch, thanks. I know you sent it out a long while back. I am wondering if it was lost in the mail. Oh well. If I don;t hear anything soon: take two!

Sidd said...

I was just wondering about the sketchbook last week. I guess the first one was an offering to the gods.

Blicky Kitty said...

Hellloooo!!!!!!! Long time no see in the bloggyverse! I miss logging in and reading your blog. You rock! Jobs are so stupid.

Maggie May said...

That is so cool. I hope you find it!

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