Friday, February 26, 2010

Project Sketchbook is a GO! Laoch, You're Up!

And as much as I'd love sending sad clown Elvis sketchbook out into the world and into your homes I actually got a sparkly new one as promised.

Now sad clown Elvis will reside in Heartbreak Bookshelf. But here is the mysterious new black sketchbook. You may be mistaken for a spy so be careful out there, bloggers.

Laoch of Chicago was the first to respond to my original post so he will be sent the book first. That means email me your address! I just added my email to the right side of the blog for you.

I'll be putting an envelope in the back cover of the book (taped or glued in) and it will have a list of everyone else who wanted to take part. I'm adding your blog addresses so whoever has the book can just go to your blog and get your address straight from you (if you aren't scared to give it to them!). If you are sending it to someone on the list just cross their name off.

There is no certain order I want the book to go in, but I would like to make sure that everyone who wanted a turn does get it. If you have a reader or husband, friend, whatever, that wants to decorate up a few pages- by all means let them.

Just try to make sure that the person knows to pass it on to another blogger. I do want it to come back to me eventually! I'll be with sad Elvis up there if someone puts it under there couch for a year, or uses it to balance out that shaky table leg and I never get to see all the cool artwork you guys make.

So, I really only have two rules for this thing:

  1. If you get the book PLEASE be sure to send it on to another blogger on the list. If you are confused about who to send it to, or all the blogger names on the list are crossed through just comment on here or email me and we'll figure out the next person.
  2. Feel free to decorate the book however you wish: paint, pen, glue, whatever... just no bodily fluids! Thanks. ;)
I look forward to seeing the results!


Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

I think there should be some other guidelines just to protect the project. Like, no saying the Dog ate the Sketchbook while I was at work, because that would just be bad.

t i m said...

that's a pretty cool idea & yep guidelines or dare i say it rules are crucial so stamp your authoritaa! ;)

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea!

t i m said...

i don’t exactly posses any artistic genes whatsoever, but count me in & i’ll attempt to sketch something b4 forwarding the book to someone more talented than me. :)

*mary* said...

Cool, I'm adding you. And that is fine, Tim. You don't have to be an artist to play. You can glue something on there or play tic-tac-toe for all I care. It'll be fun!

Sidd said...

I'm glad you rolled out the book and it's on it's way. Very cool project. My glue stick is in my holster, revved up and ready to go.

Kat said...

hey! thanks for the invite to join in on the sketchbook swap! unfortunately i can't commit to it at the present, but let me know if you do it again in the future! it sounds like fun! :]

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