Saturday, December 19, 2009

An Award! And Not 'Laziest Blogger'!

Cate from Tundra Topics blog has given me an award! (See? She still likes me even when I don't blog for a month! Probably more, now that I think about it.) Thanks, Cate!

Go read Cate's blog to see what it is like to live, teach, and raise young'uns in Alaska. Awesome photos and adventures no extra charge.

This video is for you, Cate!


Cate said...

Thanks! That was so great. I had heard of those guys but never seen them, and that was an awesome clip and song. I should invite them to visit Hooper Bay... :)

Sultan said...

Merry Christmas!

Autism Mom said...

Don't lock your door or they'll come through your roof...
I'd let them in my front door if they showed up. Then we could go for the gothic three way. lol

Beaux said...

Wishing you a Happy New Year. Hope you guys are staying warm and doing well.

Mrs. Cullen said...

I liked that!

Lo said...

What's with all us non-bloggers. Must have been a very strange month. But welcome back to the world and that video cracked me up.

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