Saturday, October 17, 2009

More Found Photos

One reader asked to see more of my found photo collection, so here you go. I was too lazy to scan them so I just took pictures of them, which luckily didn't cause any space/time disruptions.

I found this one in our basement, as you can see it is dated 1905. Unfortunately, Violet took an ink pen to it. :(
Oh- and click on this one to see the people standing in front of the store. There is also a horse and carriage. Kind of cool.

This one is not dated. Anyone have a guess based on the make of the car? I have no idea.
Here's a closer view of the mother and daughter.

A red-haired girl with cool fish earrings, taken in the mid-1980s.

Here is an Exit sign... on the outside of a door. Found FAIL!

That is all for now!


Mrs. Cullen said...

love the black and white pictures!

Annika said...

If you take a picture of a picture, what happens to the soul of the person in the original picture?

Sultan said...

I like the red haired girl. Could you send her over.

*mary* said...

Laoch- I actually think this photo was one of my ex-husband's former "lady friends". The best news- this would have been in the era in which he lived in Chicago! Maybe you'll run into her.

Annika- I am not sure, but I made my head hurt trying to answer that mystery. ;)

Mrs. Cullen- I do too. Hey, check out the first photo, enlarge it. On the left hand side there seems to be a girl with a pointy hat on! A dunce hat?

Something Happened Somewhere Turning said...

If I'm not mistaken, that's the old school house in Camp Tucket and all those people standing out in front of the General Store are getting ready for the very first Tailgate party.
And I think you actually hit pay dirt with that last photo. I think that's Building 3 in Area 51. You may have a real gem there. I've always heard stories about it, but to see it...well, you know.

Anonymous said...

quit lettin your brat color those photos knuclehead!alot of people collect old, rare photos like those and pay good $$$$ for them...................................... love terry

Cynthia said...

That first one is really cool. Too bad about the pen. My kiddos get a hold of one, and it's everywhere:(

Farnnay said...

aww yay pictures!

I wonder who these people are and how their picture came to you.. weird.

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